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Morten says...

January 3rd,


The book can be highly recommended - and must be considered a must for visitors to national parks in southern Europe. In addition to useful factual information (such as opening hours, prices, etc.), there are tour suggestions, real information about the park's flora and fauna, climate conditions and much more. In addition, the book is packed with beautiful photographs - which partly illustrate, but which also entice the reader in a fascinating way. A great - but also useful - guide.



Morten Mikkelsen, High School Lecturer, Fredericia, Denmark

Søren says...

January 4th, 2021

I have spent the last few days reading in your book. It is simply excellent. Anyone with an interest in nature in Europe will greatly enjoy this book, which has it all in the form of a very informative text and good photos. Congratulations on the release. I myself have written three nature books, two of them at Gyldendal, and therefore know how big a job it is and how little economy there is in writing books. All the more reason to congratulate the great work behind such an excellent book and at the same time express hope for a good sale.



Søren Skov, journalist and author, Denmark

Inger says...

January 11th,


Exciting and beautifully written. Congratulations on the publication, we immediately bought the book and it can be recommended.



Inger Recht, graphic designer, Denmark

Asger says...

January 13th,


I am in the process of looking at your book about the National Parks in Europe - it is a fantastically useful and beautiful book, which I will definitely take as a starting point if I should again be lured south by Grethe and our travel companions


Asger Nielsen, former technical chief, Denmark

Peter says...

March 1st,


How skilled you both are! Good exciting answers and comments and no matter how many exciting parks you get to visit, the book is packed with exciting reading and good, yes fantastic photos, and I read in it because it is simply exciting, beautiful and interesting. Thank you for making it yourself and shaping it into a fully-fledged nature guide.


Peter Østergaard Larsen, forester and nature guide, Denmark

Frida says...

March 8th,


An impressively beautiful book. In addition to an exciting historical description of Europe's climate, geology, animal and plant life, you get an incomparably thorough review of the 57 national parks. Even if you do not plan to go for a trip to a national park, I would say that if just a little corner of your heart beats for wildlife, then you will find joy in "The National Park Guide". I have rarely seen such a well-crafted work..


Frida Nøddebo Nyrup, psychologist and author, Denmark

Rune says...

February 26th,


'THE NATIONAL PARK GUIDE EUROPE: South and South-Western Europe, the Alps and Macaronesia.' After many years of extensive travel and research, Brian Gade and Lone Ildved have written a large, beautiful and detailed guidebook on European national parks with wonderful natural details - and they know what they are talking about!


Rune Engelbrecht Larsen,  journalist and author, Denmark

Francisco says...

April 5th,


Very visual, attractive and with enough information to give you a good idea of all the national parks. Congratulations! You have done a great job.


Francisco Villaespesa Sánchez, Director of the Iberian lynx breeding centers of the Autonomous Organization of National Parks, Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido, Spain

Andreas says...

April 7th,


Thank you very much for the beautiful guide book of the National Parks. Very, very nice and really a great job!


Andreas Hollinger, Head of Communication Department, Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH, Austria

Bernadette says...

April 8th,


Thank you very much for your guidebook. It is really a great book! Also your homepage is very nice.


Bernadette Lehner, Public Relations, Nationalpark Thayatal GmbH, Austria                                                  

Antonio says...

April 9th,


Dear Brian and Lone,
Thank you very much for a copy of the book.
9 years to make this book, congratulations. It was an extraordinary undertaking.
It is an extraordinary volume on the wilderness and biodiversity of the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot.


Antonio Conte,  PhD, Naturalist. Deputy Commissioner, Parco Nazionale dell'Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri-Lagonegrese, Italy

Hanne Dror says....

November 9th,


Hørte om denne inspirerende bog i radioprogrammet vildt naturligt ,og må sige den giver mig lyst til at tage vandrerstøvlerne på og drage, afsted til alle de skønne nationalparker som bogen beskriver.
Den giver gode beskrivelser og praktiske informationer om parkerne.

Når corona er på retur, skal der vandres igennem 😀

Susanne Brøgger says....

November 10th,


Virkelig flot og inspirerende bog. Den måtte jeg eje og har ikke fortrudt.

Hans Harrestrup Andersen, Dansk Ornitologisk Forening says.....

November 1st,


Dette voluminøse værk i felthåndbogsformat beskriver 57 nationalparker i Sydvesteuropa, Alperne, enkelte Middelhavsøer og fire af De Kanariske Øer. Der nævnes 3575 flora- og faunaarter og beskrives godt 265 vandreture gradueret efter sværhedsgrad og varighed. Hvert område behandles på otte sider med afsnit om enkelte highlights, særligt interessante arter, vandreruter og generelle turistinformationer afsluttende med en oversigt over registrerede fuglearter, pattedyr, reptiler, insekter og flora trykt med typer, der kan få mange af os til at finde luppen frem. BGL, landskabsarkitekt og fuglekigger, står for teksten; LI, kunsthistoriker og IT-erfaren, står for layout og nogle af bogens godt 1600 fotos. Bogen har været ni år undervejs, i alt har forfatterne tilbragt 3½ år i felten; gennemsnitligt tre uger pr. lokalitet. De har naturligvis trukket på informationer fra Nettet, som de fleste af os gør, inden vi besøger nye destinationer. Er denne guide så et væsentligt supplement til bl.a. rapporterne fra de mange turudbydere, herunder hvad vi finder på DOF Travels hjemmeside? Ja – hvis turen går til steder, der ikke er kendte af mere berejste fugleturister, eksempelvis øen Pantellaria, på størrelse med Ærø, beliggende vest for Sicilien med 261 iagttagne fuglearter. Italien er landet med flest Nationalparker, hele 23, Den Iberiske Halvø tegner sig for blot 10. Malta er repræsenteret med en lille, pigtrådsindhegnet ’nationalpark’, med 12 ynglende fuglearter, besøgstid søndage, oktober-april, laverestående jægere og samlere i området året rundt. Guiden er henvendt til all-round naturelskere med rygsæk, vandrestok(ke) og en rimelig kondition. Informationerne om fuglene er måske ikke breaking news for erfarne Europa-rejsende, men utvivlsomt til inspiration for mange. Guiden er således rettet mod natur- og kulturinteresserede i bred forstand. Næste guide vil omhandle Central- og Nordvesteuropa, dvs. bl.a. Danmark, der ikke rummer en eneste nationalpark, der lever op til IUCN’s definition. Sidste bind vil omhandle Østeuropa – såfremt forfatterne står distancerne. Dette første bind er en kæmpepræstation, der bør inspirere til udflugter i områdets fornemste naturområder. Men går man specielt efter fugle er der også andre kilder.

Niels and Anne-Marie, Horsens, Denmark says.....

January 8th,


Hi Lone and Brian
Happy New Year to you. We are very happy that we bought your Guide. In late summer and autumn, we drove around for 3 months in Italy based on your guide. It was a great trip. Thank you for your great work.

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